Multiple Cultures’ Influence on Intergovernmental Relations
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Published: 9 June 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) relates to co-operative governance or co-operation amongst the three spheres of government in the way they conduct their activities. District Municipalities are empowered by the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act (2005) and have the legal obligation to coordinate IGR activities amongst the spheres of government within the district. Pertinent to these coordination activities are IGR forums that should consider issues of cooperation and coordination to achieve IGR objectives. This is strongly interrelated with the influence of culture and particularly the notion of multiple cultures embedded within IGR arrangements. In this context, for the District IGR to achieve the required level of functionality, the minimum required culture should be the one where there is a sense of shared and common values, beliefs, vision and purpose that emphasise the need for cooperation, consensus and adherence to applicable norms and standards amongst the IGR partners. Whilst cultural assessment and management may contribute in mitigating the effects of multiple cultures and improve the achievement of municipal IGR goals, the effect on the attainment of IGR objectives of ensuring co-operation by all spheres of government in the delivery of services, is of most relevance and requires further reflection. In this context, the paper brings forth the cultural aspects of IGR and examines the existence of multiple cultures that manifest themselves within the dominant culture and its influence on IGR. This is consistent with the understanding that multiple culture aspects translate into different beliefs and views by the different spheres of government on IGR, which may lead to lack of cooperation and poor coordination.

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How to Cite
Vuyiwe Tsako, Horácio Zandamela. (2020-06-09). "Multiple Cultures’ Influence on Intergovernmental Relations." *Volume 2*, 2, 39-47